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Sara Groves' Songwriter Retreat & Workshop


This summer we will be hosting our first Songwriting Workshop and Retreat at Art House North! This will be a space for you to learn and grow in your songwriting with workshops led by Sara Groves and other amazing songwriters (other facilitators TBA). Cost does not include travel and hotel, but covers all programming and meals from 2:30 on Friday, August 17 through a closing mealtime on Saturday the 18th.

In addition, there will be a limited number of 1hr one-on-one songwriting mentor sessions with Sara on Thursday and Friday morning before the workshop begins Friday afternoon.

Our time together will include a lot of good food, conversation about the role of the songwriter, practical creative writing help, small group opportunities to share songs with other songwriters, and an intimate writer-in-the-round with Sara and Friends. We look forward to seeing you!  

*The one-on-one sessions cannot be purchased apart from the workshop, and will be scheduled first come first serve (we will follow up with you to schedulea a time, post registration)