“Let’s Rock” is an after school music jam class provided by Art House North. The structure echoes the ”School of Rock” style of teaching, where the class forms a band, and plays current, familiar hits. The instructors facilitate the bands and work with kids at various skill levels, to simply, a. expose them to music, b. experience playing in a band together, and of course c. to have FUN. 4th grade-8th grade. Scholarships and sibling price breaks available, contact contactarthousenorth@gmail.com.
Once signed up, a registration form via email will be sent out, to place your child in a class, based upon what instrument they would like to play/availability!
Tuesday March 13, 20, 27, April 10, 17, 24, May 1, and the concert on May 8th! The times will be either 4:20-5:15 or 5:30-6:25.
$125 = individual child’s participation in the 8 wk program: Let’s Rock! school of music.
Have questions? Email contactarthousenorth@gmail.com